My mind is constantly spinning as I am trying to get completely and totally organized to go to the Hotter N Hell 100 this weekend. This is the one event I make sure I do every year although earlier this week I was certain I was going to back out. Now, midweek, I am starting to get excited and nervous and just flat out ready to be there.
I remember doing this race when I was probably 7 or 8 with my parents and one of my brothers. My dad and brother were doing one of the longer distances and mom and I did a shorter one. Most of the event from when I was a child is very fuzzy, but it is something as an adult I have loved going to.
This will be my fourth year and each year I have drug another poor unsuspecting person along with. The first two years, I got a brother to go with me but those two seemed to have warned off of the others (Four brothers total. I know, it is rediculous) because systems of communications always seem to come to a halt whenever I start talking aboutit. Last year, a friend went with me for moral support and this year my boyfriend gets the honor. I love taking new people just because it is kind of awe inspiring to see how many people come out for the event, all of the vendors, and just all of the crazy bike people in one location.

Did I mention I don't get a hotel room because A)they require a two night stay and B) they are all totally booked by January and C) I am cheap. So we are camping. :) Luckily they do let us camp anywhere we can find space and there is not a problem finding a good spot. They also have plenty of showers and restrooms so it is really not a bad deal. I like to think it adds to the whole flavor of the event. You know, that flavor of sleeping on the ground all night and then getting up and biking 100K. Why do people not think this is fun??
Thank you to everyone for the pedal/shoe advice! I have decided not to do anything until after this race and then I am going to start a dedicated search to find my perfect combination so that way I have plenty of time to get used to whatever I choose. Unless I see something at the consumer show that I fall in love with, and then all bets are off.
Look for more frantic posts as the event gets closer! It is amazing how much stuff it takes to get me to one little bike ride!
my brother has done this race, it sounds like a good time!
Have fun! I will be thinking about you!
Have a good time, it sounds so fun. Though I hate camping. :)
Hey, I am looking to get some new pedals too. Switching to TIME.
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