Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What I Woke Up To

Just for any of you who thinks I may have been exaggerating about the Viagra bangs, here is what I saw when I looked in the mirror this morning.

I am thinking the cat must have licked them all night in order to achieve this style. However, I am consoling myself by saying that now I officially have move star looks.

It is still raining here but I managed to talk my roommate into going for a run with me last night. The shoes are going to be drying for several days, but it was really kind of fun!


ItchyBits said...

Nice! I take it you didn't have any asparagus on hand?

Rachel said...

Hilarious! Your hair has a mind of its own.

Anonymous said...

OMG - you are too funny!!!

Judi said...

Running in the rain is the best! I have bangs like that too! Every morning. Dominic always says it's "sexy" in a sarcastic kind of comedic tone, lol.

Leah said...

I love running in the rain. The bangs picture made me laugh out loud!